Meet the Team

Aaron Erhardt
Aaron Erhardt
Meet Aaron Erhardt: Christian, Evangelist, Minister, Shepherd, Husband, Father, and Author. Aaron is a dynamic speaker who teaches the word of God in a manner that is not only truthful, but thought-provoking, insightful, and relatable. He is a genuine and sincere man with the desire to bring as many people as he can to God. His messages will transform your life!

Luke Erhardt
Meet Luke Erhardt: Christian, Son, Brother, and Servant. Luke graduated from Spencer County High School in 2024 and passed on several college offers for basketball to serve in ministry at North Point. As Aaron's oldest son, Luke knows what the work of an evangelist entails and is excited to join our staff. He leads our PRP campus and works with our homeschool academy.

June Milar
June Milar
Meet June Milar: Christian, Shepherd, Husband, Father, and Grandfather. Extroverted and joyful, June is someone who will never go unnoticed. Outgoing, yet serious when it counts, he is filled with many ideas that help make him a great shepherd of our flock.

Caleb Ashby
Caleb Ashby
Meet Caleb Ashby: Christian, Song Leader, Shepherd, Husband, and Father. Holding an important role in our service, Caleb is a talented singer who leads us as we worship in song with great efficiency, making sure everyone is engaged in offering praises to God.

Ben and Erin Kelley
Meet Ben and Erin Kelley: Christians, Servants, and Parents. This husband-and-wife duo have been married 18 years and have two kids. Ben is the deacon over media and Erin has 25 years of teaching experience in the public-school setting. They are both eager to serve the youth at North Point and are committed to providing necessary resources to our teachers. They have the heart for helping kids learn from God's word creating a positive impact in their lives.

Jenna Ashby
Jenna Ashby
Meet Jenna Ashby: Christian, Teacher, Wife, and Mother. Jenna takes care of various administrative duties and helps Aaron with the day-to-day work of the church. She is a devoted Christian who serves as the associate director of the homeschool academy, a teacher, and event planner.